Speech Therapy

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What is the main goal of speech therapy?

  • Improving coordination of speech muscles through strengthening and coordination exercises, sound repetition and imitation.
  • Improving communication between the brain and the body through visual and auditory aids such as mirrors and tape recorders.
  • Improving fluency through breathing exercises.
  • Enhancing the learning of language through language stimulation and the use of language through positive reinforcement.
  • Improving communication by helping a child learn another way to communicate which might include gestures, signing or    augmentative communication devices (note use of these alternate forms of communication will serve to enhance speech development, not impair it).

What are the Benefits of Speech Therapy?

The goal of speech therapy is to improve skills that will allow your child to communicate more effectively. There are other benefits as well. These can include:

  • Improvement in the ability to understand and express thoughts, ideas and feelings
  • Intelligible speech so your child is understood by others
  • Increased ability to problem-solve in an independent environment
  • Improved swallowing function and safety
  • Achievement of school readiness skills
  • Development of pre-literacy skills
  • Improved vocal quality
  • Fluent speech
  • Development of practical social skills
  • Better quality of life
  • Greater self-esteem
  • Increased independence